
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Year! Same Old Stuff!

Welcome to 2021. All our problems are over, everything is gravy... we're all fine. Everyone's fine. We're all fine here, now. Thank you. How are you? SIKE.

Los Angeles is at like 0% ICU capacity and people still won't stay home! Anyway...  since we're gonna be home home home for the foreseeable future, it's time to pivot to thinking about improving the front yard of our home. Currently... it's dead. Dead grass. The trees in the front yard of which there are currently 7 are all doing well though! It's not a place we spend much time in though it is nice for the kids to just run around the dead grass and throw balls to each other. But our dream is to make it become a much more welcoming place for some shrubbery, flowers, more trees, and some edible plants. Basically my dream is a drought tolerant California English garden. If that exists. If it doesn't... we're gonna make it so. So this is sort of rough inspiration ideas...  

love the little curvy gravel path
love this paver style
love the lushness
garden bed necessary
So while I was supposed to be working, I put all the thoughts in my brain down into a general/rough sort of proposed layout. Which breaks down into a zone for growing food, a grassy patch of faux grass so we can picnic, and a mini orchard along the perimeter with some areas for sitting and swinging.

The things to consider are that the front yard is a south facing and we get FULL sun out here all the time and we like, totally live in the valley so anything out here needs to be hearty. I know there will be some heartbreaking deaths of plants but hopefully once we get a little established it won't be much work and will just be some weekly larger scale maintenance and every other day watering/etc. 

We are so grateful to be healthy and well as we start this new year. I will be recapping our Christmas and New Year's celebrations and also the year in general (that'll take 1000 years) but I wanted to start the new year with a new post of things to look forward to at home. 

We love it here.

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