Wednesday I spoke at my alma matter to a bunch of current film students about my life in entertainment. How I got there, what I do, what it means, etc.
I gotta tell you before I got up there I was so nervous I felt like I was gonna throw up. What do I tell them? What can I say? Who am I to speak to young minds? Dr. Fisher and a gent named Jarred hosted me, seen pictured here in the newly revamped production center and were very welcoming.
Of course, I was properly attired. Though I added a blazer to make myself not look like a schmuck with a t-shirt in front of a bunch of youngsters. Though one of them referred to the shirt as old school GFS which means I am old. Obviously.
I'd spoken to Ali about what I would theme my little pep talk and she suggested "Production Coordinators, you shall know us by our retractable sharpies" so I got a dozen sharpies and whenever a kid asked a question, I'd toss them a sharpie.
I guess I did well 'cause afterwards a bunch of them hung around and thanked me and shook my hand and asked me to speak at their student groups. It was nice. I was once in their shoes, sitting, listening, asking questions.... it's nice to come full circle.