Wednesday, September 30, 2009

so nervous i almost threw up

Wednesday I spoke at my alma matter to a bunch of current film students about my life in entertainment. How I got there, what I do, what it means, etc.

I gotta tell you before I got up there I was so nervous I felt like I was gonna throw up. What do I tell them? What can I say? Who am I to speak to young minds? Dr. Fisher and a gent named Jarred hosted me, seen pictured here in the newly revamped production center and were very welcoming.
Of course, I was properly attired. Though I added a blazer to make myself not look like a schmuck with a t-shirt in front of a bunch of youngsters. Though one of them referred to the shirt as old school GFS which means I am old. Obviously.
I'd spoken to Ali about what I would theme my little pep talk and she suggested "Production Coordinators, you shall know us by our retractable sharpies" so I got a dozen sharpies and whenever a kid asked a question, I'd toss them a sharpie.

I guess I did well 'cause afterwards a bunch of them hung around and thanked me and shook my hand and asked me to speak at their student groups. It was nice. I was once in their shoes, sitting, listening, asking questions.... it's nice to come full circle.

fall! (part IV)

Fall themed grocery list:
Snoopy jumping on a pile of leaves aka carmel apple cider powder:
He's hanging next to the newly moved barefoot cookbooks:
Fall wrapped Dove chocolates in milk & dark chocolate:
Vase full of shiny acorns:
Dining area with black candles and pumpkins. It's looking colorful over here, I like that.

fall! (part III-flowers)

One $4.99 bouquet from fresh & easy became three flower arrangements around the house.

One went on the docksta in the living room:
One went into the kitchen right by the sink:
And one went right by the bed:
Putting it against the mirrored lamp, you see all sides, very nice effect.

Monday, September 28, 2009

more spray painting

Spray painting is very addicting, you start with one project and then you start looking around, hmm... what else can I paint?

I had this empty frame hanging around so I painted it grey and put it around the clock:
And yes, I spray painted the side table, AGAIN.
It is now grey and much much better:

fall! (part II)

The cute white pumpkins are in the front now. I bought some numbers from Home Depot and nailed them into foamy pumpkin, slick eh:

over the kitchen window

Over the kitchen window there was once a clock (this is the only picture I could find of the clock, so much has changed since):
Anyway, I realized I didn't need a clock there so I hung up some $2.50 art from Target and hung another plate with a leftover hanging plate kit:

thrift store shopping with my pops

Dad & I went thrift store shopping the other day. It's his hobby/addiction and all the women in this store knew him. Hilarious:

The second place we went to was a store that was always known as "La Segunda de la Orange" and I finally found out that the name of the place is "Circle of Concern Thrift Store." It's weird but it doesn't have a sign outside with the name, it just says "thrift store"

When I was a kid I would frequent this aisle where they had bags of stuffed animals:

And of course would plant myself here looking for Babysitters Club books:

Dad is always easy to find, hanging out in electronics:

The store has a bevy of coffeemakers:

And boots:

And kids stuff:

And fine glass:

As a treat, I took dad to Jamba Juice, can you believe he'd never been?

A tiring day, but lots of fun.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

fall! (part I)

I made a list of things I had to do around the house and "decorate for fall" was at the bottom of the list in order to reward myself but of course it shot right to the top cause it was more fun:
Funny, this changed already, gee I have commitment problems:
I love those little ceramic pumpkins, inside they're a candle:
Corn intermixed with the artichokes:
Little acorn in the cubbie:
More to come...

behold the glory that is my OCD

I spent the past two days in our garage because my office supplies had gotten out of control. We're lucky cause we had pre-built shelves in the garage and after all the work now it looks neat and the top shelf is now home to four empty boxes. JOY!
After a few hours I was able to condense all the office supplies into three boxes and one crate (not pictured):
Each box now houses spare office supplies that I may need from work, easily accessible:
All of the stuff I have to drag to work is neat and on wheels now. If you work exclusively in one office, thank your lucky stars you don't have to drag all this crap around from office to office:
This, sigh, this is just ridiculous. I actually separated the empty boxes. I made one pile of all the Barnes & Noble boxes and one pile of NON B&N boxes. Before I did that I asked myself "Am I really that OCD?" The answer was "Yes":
I have a sickness, I know.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ra ra rail

When we have our own house, I think I'd like chair rail.

Chair rail is pieces of wood that run along the middle of the wall (around the height of a chair, thus the name) and the bottom half can be painted a different color or wallpapered and it gives the room an interesting look instead of the boring state that our living room is in now.

This room has a good example of it and they have crown molding (the wood stuff at the ceiling) which is bonus points:
I dunno what the image below classifies as, it could be called chair rail or just plain molding. See the wall behind the chair with the A pillow? Those green little pieces of wood? I'd love to do that to the whole living room. It would make it interesting. Since I have colored walls, I'd go for white rail. And the bookcase ain't bad either:

Friday, September 25, 2009

what the heck...

Oh, let me explain: I work freelance so I could either be employed non-stop or like now I have no idea when my next job is. Scary? Not for people who prepare for such things by saving enough to cover them for a few months if no employment appears. So, since I wrapped my latest job yesterday I have today and possibly next week off and I figured, let's fall it up today like this beautiful inspiring table setting some genius made:
Which makes me wonder, do you guys do any seasonal decorating besides Christmas?


At Target I finally got an excuse to buy this "decorative tapestry" basically a large piece of fabric to drape over stuff and they suggested a couch and since I have a white one I thought, great that would cover the white and protect from kitty and doggy paws.
I liked the bright colors and peacock feather and it wasn't 'til I got home and put it on the couch that I realized, crap, it's pretty much floral patterned.
So when I said I didn't like floral patterned, I guess I meant I didn't like THAT floral pattern.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

its fall

And I want some branches...

year of cotton

2nd year anniversary is cotton so Matt & I went to a store and picked a cotton thing. He got a pork pie hat, I got the cutest apron ever:
I had Matt take a picture of me wearing it but decided that you can see me wear it when you visit in person. Although now I think its too cute to get dirty...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i wore them then

I wore them on our wedding day and again last night for our anniversary dinner.

raindrop earrings:
sparkly pin:
cutesy shoes:
I like that I can actually wear things I wore on our wedding day again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

well, he is kind of cute

I bought a white plastic pumpkin:
Two of them actually:
And some acorn shiny filler thing in preparation for fall. This Saturday is my day to put up fall decorations. Can't wait to switch over to wearing boots all the time.


Two years ago, on a day when it was supposed to be sunny, & great day for a picnic, it rained.

It was our wedding day.
That day, before I met him at the park, while the sky was dumping rain on us, I got a text message from him:

"I see blue skies"

I still do...

Happy Anniversary... Husband.