
Thursday, May 14, 2009

evy no home

Sigh. The escrow company called and our closing date has been extended by a week. This means that though we hoped to be able to have a few weeks at the end of the month to scrape the popcorn ceiling, clean the place, paint the walls, and clean the carpets, BEFORE we moved our furniture in. Now it looks like we'd just be getting the keys by the end of the month.

This poses a problem since my husband and I have turned in our last month's rent and signed an intent to leave form for our current apartment. What we're hoping is that we can ask our manager if we can stay an extra week or two and pay whatever that would equate to (as in, not a full month's rent) that way our new home could be worked on without the interference of furniture and two cats.

Bummer. But with this job I'm on now where I'll be working until the end of May those fabulously long production hours (fabulously being SARCASTIC) maybe now I'll have more time to pack since I have just lost all time with this job. And yes, I am blogging at work because I'm waiting for answers.

Patiently. Cause there's no other way to do this thing.

And since the above post was so depressing, here's an image that's sure to lift some spirits. Lifted mine for sure. Mmm... Beautiful... I could do that...

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