
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

hit the floor (plan)

I've been messing around on and made a rough floor plan and furniture layout. The scale is completely off but it will help you get to know what the place looks like and where I'm thinking of placing the furniture. This is the first floor complete with stairs, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, coat closet, living room, built-in bookcase, and fireplace. This is the second floor. You can gather which is the master bedroom right? The one that has the bathroom connected to it. Yes, it also has two closets so I won't have to share with Matt but he will have to share some space with me because well, I have a LOT more clothes than he does. The upper right hand room is the office. The sofa in there will be a sleeper in case we have more than a pair of guests which we hope will happen often and we're hoping will happen this summer! The three rooms share a bath but I'm sure we won't mind letting them use our shower when the middle one gets crowded and we're all on our way to Disneyland. Then the traditional guest room next to it. And no, you're not seeing things, that really is a drum kit we will have permanently set up in our home. Everyone seems to think Matt will be playing the drums more often than I think he will be. I probably believe this because he has three video game systems which will take up more time than the drumming will. It has been SO helpful in helping me explain everything to Matt. I know that the layout has been in my brain for ages and I know perfectly well where it's all going but Matt couldn't see it.

He gets it now. And he likes it.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to sleep in your guest room- complete with Gideon Bible!
    the m-i-l
