
Thursday, May 7, 2009

this time...

Last time I moved I was planning a wedding and moving in with a boy for the first time. It didn't seem stressful then and it doesn't seem stressful now because both times it's been exciting and an upgrade.This time it just seems like I'm more determined to keep things organized than before. This is my finished pile. You can see an open box that I'm working on where the patio stuff is going.
I'm reliving our wedding gifts as I bring up the boxes from our carport. Yes, I did keep boxes that our wedding gift appliances came in as well as boxes that are particular for breakables. If you have the room for it, I highly suggest it. The rough part about it is that you have to keep some of them as they are because they have the foam padding to protect the appliance in there and that gets bulky. But its going to help us SO much now.
Here is a little kitty in heaven. Yes, that's what kitty heaven would be like. Tons of boxes you can jump into of various sizes. I'm glad LJ is enjoying the process.
Gadget could care less.

1 comment:

  1. When are you going to invite me over your pad?
