
Monday, May 25, 2009

home owning story

Who wants to read a cute story? The kids at that blog I love are celebrating their three year home owning anniversary and posted the story of their whirlwind find and eventual ownership of their now home:

The story of Dan & Jill and this condo has been whirlwind at first and now slow. When they found the place, they were "just looking" with a realtor friend of the family. It was the last house they saw before they came to dinner with us. At dinner they talked about this great condo and when the realtor dropped by with financial paperwork Jill asked if we (the fredrichs, the planks, janis, uncle roger who was in town, and matt & me) could all go see it. So we did. Dan & Jill called us the next day to discuss how we would handle them owning, us renting, etc and were we interested? Uh, YES. A few days later Dan called and said, "We've decided to put an offer on the condo" and on the other end of the phone I am going, YES YES. 

March 19 we sign offer paperwork on the house. A few days later, we find that four offers went in at the same time around ours and all very similar. Then, the bank singled us out and gave us the amount they wanted and Dan said yes so on we went to sign MORE paperwork. And now here we are just waiting to close escrow. The story will continue. 

BTW I uploaded some good links on my links column here to the right of the condo as it is and the mock ups I've made for it so far.

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