
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


One of the best things to come when we move is Matt and I will become parents for the third time with another furry creature. 

I really feel like an expectant parent. Wondering what it will look like, will it be a boy or girl, will it look like its mom or dad, will I be up to the challenge, can we handle the responsibility, will I be a disciplinarian, will he be well behaved, will he keep us up at night, will we let him sleep in the bed, when we move we'll begin buying cute little things for him, we'll make a big announcement, our family will be excited to meet him, there will be a time for adjustment.

Of course, I've been seeing potential dogs all over the place. Is this Lebowski?
Could she be a Lebowski?  
And when Jill asked what Lebowski's nickname would be I turned with panicked eyes toward Matt "What's his nickname going to be?!" and like the calm father to be that he was, he calmly replied "The Dude." 
Of course. 

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