
Saturday, June 13, 2009

paper files

Minor note. From now on I will refer to the condo/the new house/the new place/etc. as #18 La Mirada or just #18. End note.

Awhile ago I organized my file box of paper. I do all sorts of projects so I own lots of different kinds of paper. I didn't want the paper flying around all over the place so what I did was just put it all in one box. That was fine except it was not easy to find what I was looking for in the midst of tons of papers together. Once, I needed photo paper and had to rummage through a giant mess to find the thing in the mystery box.
So I got a few medium and large binder clips and grouped the different materials together...
And put a little label from my label maker (I own two: one at home and one at work. Oh please with the shocked look). You gotta cut the labels to size it so it fits right on the edge of the binder clip but now, booyah, I can easily identify and aquire me some photo paper, presentation paper, triple hole punched paper, t-shirt transfer paper, etc. 
This blog brought to you due to a necessary break in packing. 

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