
Friday, June 12, 2009

update: condo- trying to kill me

I operate in a world where scheduling is everything. We do not ever change a date or a time if it has been scheduled unless it does something like rain constantly when the scene is supposed to be Miami circa 1980. Only then do we reschedule. This condo business is like rain on my superbowl spot parade.

Once again it appears that we will not be moving as scheduled but pushed back yet another week, which means we previously thought we'd move May 30. June 13. June 20 and now June 27.

I think I have a new grey hair.

And speaking of grey. This delay has now allowed for me and the painter to be best buddies because he will be painting the master bedroom grey instead of the color it would have been (Glidden Sand White). I am so glad this will be able to happen because the other color though lovely, I think I would have been living there plotting the weekend where I'd grab me a paintbrush and some supplies and gotten to work on it. Now someone else will do the work. 

The above is by some chick named Jen that I read about on DesignSponge and look at that she even has birch malm colored dressers though ours are the tall ones. The winning paint color and don't let anyone try to convince me otherwise, this is it: Ralph Lauren "Moonlight". 

My paint will be from a label while I continue to purchase things from the 99 Cent store.

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