
Sunday, September 27, 2009

behold the glory that is my OCD

I spent the past two days in our garage because my office supplies had gotten out of control. We're lucky cause we had pre-built shelves in the garage and after all the work now it looks neat and the top shelf is now home to four empty boxes. JOY!
After a few hours I was able to condense all the office supplies into three boxes and one crate (not pictured):
Each box now houses spare office supplies that I may need from work, easily accessible:
All of the stuff I have to drag to work is neat and on wheels now. If you work exclusively in one office, thank your lucky stars you don't have to drag all this crap around from office to office:
This, sigh, this is just ridiculous. I actually separated the empty boxes. I made one pile of all the Barnes & Noble boxes and one pile of NON B&N boxes. Before I did that I asked myself "Am I really that OCD?" The answer was "Yes":
I have a sickness, I know.

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