
Saturday, September 26, 2009

ra ra rail

When we have our own house, I think I'd like chair rail.

Chair rail is pieces of wood that run along the middle of the wall (around the height of a chair, thus the name) and the bottom half can be painted a different color or wallpapered and it gives the room an interesting look instead of the boring state that our living room is in now.

This room has a good example of it and they have crown molding (the wood stuff at the ceiling) which is bonus points:
I dunno what the image below classifies as, it could be called chair rail or just plain molding. See the wall behind the chair with the A pillow? Those green little pieces of wood? I'd love to do that to the whole living room. It would make it interesting. Since I have colored walls, I'd go for white rail. And the bookcase ain't bad either:

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