
Friday, May 28, 2010


Today, while I enjoyed sleeping in 'til 9am, I heard a sweet little voice, "Evy?" "Mmm," I mutter half awake. "Can you take me to the hospital?" Liz asks. Bamn! I shoot up in bed. "Are you in labor honey?" "I dunno, I think so."

I have never gone from sleepy to awake so quickly in my life. I make strategic comfort wardrobe choices and my sister is ready with a bag and blankets. We head to the hospital, my sister clenching my hand on the way. We joke about how convenient it was that I was home and not at work and able to be there for her and that the baby must've gotten excited about seeing her newly fixed up room that it made her want to come see it for herself.

We arrived, at the maternity ward admittance the nurse took her insurance card and then a contraction hit and the nurse asks, "Wait are you in labor now?" So she was admitted and the waiting began. When the contractions got ridiculous, she took some pain meds, when it got unbearable she took the epidural. Watching her suffer unecessarily, I was glad she took the epi. It was a whole new Liz, she relaxed and slept. I went home and napped.

At around midnight, after a particularly disappointing few checks by the nurse, who by this time has a completely deflated look like she's about to throw in the natural delivery towel. She comes back and ta-da, 9cm! We are all revitalized. I can hang in there longer now that I know she's coming soon, I really wanna watch the delivery. I hope I will be able to.

- mobile blog post.

Location:E Washington Blvd,Whittier,United States

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