
Friday, May 28, 2010

one not particularly exciting tuesday...

I decided to doll up the dining area and invite my brother and his WIFE over for dinner. I set it for six even though it would only be five 'cause well, I'm OCD like that. 

It seems like a lot of work setting it up like this, but it really wasn't. I own all the stuff to make it happen so I just pulled them out of cupboards. Setup time: five minutes.
Never underestimate how instantly fancy a dining situation becomes when adding wine glasses and water goblets. Oh and candles and flowers.
For dinner I made a practice run of a quiche I'm planning on making for Christmas dinner. Two things. First of all, making pie crust is bullcrap. For $2.50 you can just buy a box of two refrigerated pie crusts and unroll it onto your pie plate and badamn perfect pie crust and delicious to boot. Secondly. When making mashed potatoes, for the love of all that is holy, make sure you use two TEAspoons, not two TABLEspoons. Ah well, I guess I was due for a cooking error, hadn't had one in a long time. Knock on lacquer wood. 

And I had to fight with all that was within me to resist apologizing for the potatoes because Julia said to NEVER apologize. So I didn't. And they were eaten anyway.

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