
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

wordy week: a day in the life

day in the life of evy at work:

5:02am- awaken to backup alarm. cell phone alarm did not go off. good thing i always set a backup alarm for certain days.

5:04am- after wrestling gadget off me (he likes to snuggle in the am) i get ready, both cats watch and purr and get petted, no matter what time i wake up be it 2am or 10am, both cats will be up with me in show of moral support. today lj is giving me those meows that indicate he wants to be carried but doesn't do his trademark putting his paws on my shoulder move today

5:20am- water my daisy in my office, just a few drops, i am wearing my shoot day uniform: long sleeved shirt, scarf, open cardigan, jeans, belt for walkie, boots, downstairs i grab my north face puffy jacket, a production must have. rain is predicted today so i grab my fedora, rain jacket, and remember umbrella is in car.
5:40am- begin texting all PAs driving trucks to make sure they're awake and know where they're parking

6:05am- arrive to crew parking at elysian park, am late, no one notices. say hi to pas and people, grab my walkie

6:20am- drive to set and begin unloading car into what will be my home for the next to days, the motorhome. am complimented for hilarious email i sent to everyone with callsheet and map.
7am- ad arrives in motorhome and we go over schedule. need to move up lunch and arrival of our picture vehicle

8am- move car back to crew parking. get gas, light was on. get some breakfast for PM and i, veggie breakfast scrambles all around. meet more people, get into discussion as to why latina women marry white guys with fellow latino pa.

8:50am- back in motorhome, fed. get into discussion as to if healthcare in england really is better and why all our crew is from across the pond and if living in america is really better than living in england. outcome: USA. USA. get complimented again for hilarious email.

10am- made blank callsheet, most important paper for next day, made some phone calls, began long process of requesting location checks from accounting, which involves scanning, phone calls, and lots of paperwork.
11am- begin getting word that we'll be moving to next location soon. begin packing up motorhome. get a visitor! 
medic drops by with tray of vitamin shots, i take two. i need it today, we were in the office until 11:45 the night before.
12:20pm- finally out of motorhome and in bus to next location, a beautiful park. it is NOT raining as we thought. good for us.

12:30pm- lunch! oh wait, not for you, you can't leave the moho. eat lunch in motorhome that boss fixed up veggie plate for: pasta with mushrooms, spinach salad, rice, red cabbage alone with callsheet. don't cry for me argentina. 

1-2pm- lots more phone calls. callsheet is revised multiple times and viewed by the powers that be. again, it is the most important part of my job on a shoot.
3pm- begin making calls to people who will be joining us next day that were not there today. that includes the talent therefore i phone the agents. long process.

5:30pm- callsheet is done and duplicated on set. emailed to everyone coming tomorrow for first time. we have a later call tomorrow hurrah. also means we won't be done until midnight. oh well, i sleep in on saturday.

6pm- that's a wrap! not so fast, you're in production which means you still have some work to do which is very important. you have to make sure the film gets to the lab along with the sound and to editorial. the film has EVERYTHING you have done that day so it has to go to the right place. and you have to wait for everyone to wrap their gear out of elysian park. 
6:45pm- finally done and out of the motorhome. my team poses outside the motorhome. we're tired.

6:49pm- i'm in the car and call matt to tell him i'm on my way home, first time heading home this week before 10pm, victory. call friends and family on my way home to catch up, phone mother in-law whom i've neglected over past few weeks.

7:40pm- arrive home to hubby. 

8:30pm- go outside and play with lebowski. he's excited to see me and runs around like crazy. i water the plants outside then he comes with me to the front yard while i water those plants. 

9pm- walk to subway to get dinner. veggie sandwiches all around, i get green peppers which i normally do not, hey, not bad. rico and miguel are closing and we meet and bond with them over their sandwich artistry.

9-11pm- watch a monty python documentary while eating sandwiches with matt and liz. have strict no eating in front of tv policy that is waived if the food is takeout. laugh at absurdity that i spend all day with english accent people and proceed to watch a documentary about something VERY english with even more english accent people. slowly begin to get weary, head up to bed.

11:40pm- in bed. cats jump into bed with us and get petted and snuggled. one day down.


  1. I always enjoy seeing you at work. I think you should tell them how attatched to your walkie you are, and how you even take it to the bathroom. I guess I just did. =)
