
Thursday, November 18, 2010

i've never had eggs in any way other than scrambled

I just watched Julie & Julia again. I think this is the third time I've seen it. Melts my heart every time. The blu-ray comes with special features, one of which is a cooking class where Julia and Jacques show you how they make some quick stuff like hollandaise sauce, which I'd like to try out, and a poached egg which I'm curious about but mainly avoiding. Julie in the movie had never eaten an egg and I have never eaten an egg any other way other than scrambled. I dunno why, they just seem disgusting any other way other than beaten together making it barely distinguishable as an egg. Someday I will try an egg a different way, maybe someday I'll try to poach an egg. Maybe someday I'll have one over easy, after I find out what over easy is, maybe sunny side up, but hell no that's so eggy, and maybe hard boiled but eww probably not. Who figured out all these ways to make eggs? And who figured out that if you beat egg whites for a long time they completely change? And egg yolks with butter and lemon juice makes some delicious sauce? Who thinks this crap up?!

Eggs also remind me of the scene in Runaway Bride where she has to figure out what kind of eggs she likes and cooks them all the different ways you can cook an egg and finally makes a decision. That movie was a piece of crap but that scene was very memorable.

So I only like them scrambled. Am I missing out?


  1. Yes you are. Poached on a piece of toast is yummy, and easy.

    Aunt J

  2. I'd say yes, because devilled eggs are delicious! And a good dippy egg with toast is quite nice. =)
