
Saturday, November 20, 2010

'tis the season for pretty booze

Matt does not drink booze. Which is probably a good thing, otherwise I'd be spending a lot of money buying booze not just 'cause it's tasty but 'cause they make it so pretty! Some bottles are iconic and classic. Who can't identify a bottle of Tanqueray from far away? 

So here's a little rundown of some boozes you may want to add to your own personal bar.

Patron Tequila.
Bombay Sapphire Gin.
Pimm's Liqueur.
That melted waxy top will always be awesome. Maker's Mark Whisky.
Tanqueray Gin.
Hendrick's Gin. I particularly love the bottle. It's black!
Wine bottles have a plethora of beautiful and unique labels. I am not good at picking wines so I can't vouch for the ones I'm including below. I just usually pick California wines 'cause well, duh, but you guys have at it. If you see one that looks interesting, write it down and then look it up, the reviews will help you decide. Then again I just bought some 'cause I just loved the labels so much I went for it and luckily the reviews for it are pretty good. 

Oh also I am a sucker for sweet red wines and there's this lambrusco at Trader Joe's that sells for $5 each and it comes in a white and a red. There's usually one or two of these in my fridge at any given time. Everyone that's had it likes it. And yes, the red is served cold.
And here's some with neat labels.
 I like this 'cause it makes me think of Matt.
 I love me some black and white labels. Maybe that should be my signature wine thing: black and white labeled wines. What is it with me and signature stuff?
Sometimes you don't even need a bottle.
Wines make excellent gifts, especially if the sentiment is right on the sleeve, err, label.
This one says "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas". Good for a host at a Christmas party. No that's not a hint, that's just an idea. Seriously.
 Even the cocktail mixers are neat looking.
And don't forget my favorite, the bubbly.
Now I'm off to get some supplies at BevMo. I hope I don't go crazy.

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