
Saturday, February 19, 2011

screw you biola connections

This is the email I sent our school's alumni magazine:

Hey there,

Can you change the name of our subscription to Biola Connections from Mr & Mrs Matthew R Fredrich to: Matthew & Evelyn Fredrich?

I am not a fan of being referred to as Mrs My Husband's Name. I have a name too, I paid for my Biola education under MY NAME. So if you could send me biola connections under BOTH our names, I would appreciate it.

Proud Alumn,
Class of 2004,

Evelyn (Camacho) Fredrich

You know my beef with being referred to as mrs matt. Actually mrs matt is kinda cute but that's not the point. I did not give up my first name when I married Matt and took his last name. I am still a person, I still have a name that is MINE and no one should try to take it. Stupid Biola, if you only knew, and I bet you do you're just being an ass, that the women do all the planning to come to your events and are probably the ones pushing the hubs to send your school money. I know I do and I know I have. So stop messing around with this archaic bullcrap sexism and give us our names back.

Next angry email is toward the alumni department itself.

Fight the power!

- mobile blog post

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