
Sunday, February 20, 2011

spot o' tea in the off'c gov'na?

Aww yeah!

Tea situation happening in the office now. It was in my very original plans for the office and now here it is. I put it on top of the big white cabinet under the watchful eye of my beautiful state.
It consists of a little canister with tea bags, a tiny creamery thing from Crate & Barrel's outlet that has a lid so I can transport the milk from downstairs in the kitchen to upstairs in the office without spillage, the sugar bowl from downstairs (I got a different one for downstairs, pics coming later) and a mug.
Nothing is a new purchase. Everything is stuff I already had I just moved it upstairs. The canister and mug are from Liberty of London for Target. That tiny little tray I got at the Dollar Tree 2 years ago along with a few others and man I wish I'd have gotten more, they're so useful. And the sugar bowl with lid was from Pier 1. 
I boil my water on a kettle on the stove and I had this electric tea kettle in a cupboard thinking someday I'll use it for something good. It's come in handy for work when we're stuck somewhere and I want hot water in the Moho but now it will live in the office. 
See that little yellowish thing the teabag is sitting on? Gift from Jill awhile back. It's genius. It's sole purpose is to hold your used tea bag and spoon to avoid situations like the ones Charlotte encountered when Harry moved in with her after they got married. Tea bag situation. Not pretty. That same episode had the infamous ass white couch situation.
I spied this at Pier 1 and well, obviously I needed it. It's a toast holder and supposedly keeps your toast all fresh and toasty.
I have lofty plans of using it to hold my toast for brunches with my ladies and nieces. Oh can you imagine inviting the girls over for tea time brunches with Tia EvY once a month? We'd wear gloves and they could tell me about school and how much they don't like boys and want to become nuns. It would be our special times together. Having nieces freaking rules.
It would make a cute letter holder but I already have one. Plus like I said. TOAST!

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