
Monday, March 14, 2011

does this look familiar?

It should. All of the things in here were in the guest room up until a few days ago. 
Since this is a full sized bed I had purchased a cheap bed in a bag set that came with everything, bed skirt, sheets, comforter, etc. when I changed that room from a boys room to a girls room. Well that no longer fit this new look. As luck would have it, or some thoughtful in-laws, we already had a set of full sized tan sheets for the sofa bed in the office! So the colorful sheet set is now in the colorful office. Everyone wins.
Side table from the guest room came over here as did the radio and home sweet home frame.
So did the arm chair and ottoman. The cats are very happy about this move.
Eventually we'll hang up all the masculine/nerdy frames that make my husband happy.
I thought the brown curtain would look blah here against the tan wall but it works with the room. Plus the blue armchair balances it out.
If you look out the window, you can also enjoy the vine reaching up.
Or just spy on the neighbors.
And as LJ is demonstrating here, it's great to sit at the chair and bird watch.
That's really why the bird pillow is here. To remind you to look out the window.
Be our guest love birds. I promise this room won't change drastically over the next few months.

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