
Thursday, March 31, 2011

magnetic part 1

I had this bulletin board thing for awhile and while I mostly like it over the desk it's just too dang small and square and makes it look off center and awkward. I thought that adding a second square would make it better but it didn't. It was too cluttered. 
I did not want a longer bulletin board made of cloth. Mostly because everyone has them (see here. here. and here) and I'm not trying to get inspiration, I just legitimately want to look at pictures that I like and I don't want to frame them. I did want something long that would go right over the desk and I know that whatever art I'd see in front of my face as I'm typing I would get sick of. Guaranteed. No matter how cute it is. Like this one below. Also, the reason I have that bulletin board is to hang up stuff that I have to remember to do.
I went through a shopping spiritual journey. What do I need, what would I like there. I already knew what I didn't want and I thought maybe a wipe off board but I already have one and I don't really use it. Then I realized, I like the magnetic boards. That's the way to go. And I really liked this:
It was on sale! I was THISCLOSE to buying it but I realized  it's a square. I need a rectangle. I continued my journey. I went to all the office supply places looking for something, they were all too big or too small or wipe off but not magnetic and the last place I thought to look was Ikea. It's a plain white magnetic rectangle that costs $12 so that's that. The genius thing about magnetic boards is that you can print stuff on magnetic paper AND you have an excuse to buy cute magnets. Plus the stuff stays up without damaging the item due to a pin stabbing. Win all around.

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