
Friday, April 1, 2011

the downstairs "office" space

Usually I'd be doing stuff in my office but on hot days, it's pretty unbearable up there if you don't turn on the AC. Thank the house heavens that the downstairs of our house, regardless of how hot it is outside, stays about 72-75ยบ without turning on the air. I know, it's a huge blessing, something about the way the sun just doesn't really hit the downstairs keeps it consistently cool. So most of the day is spent downstairs in the living room and kitchen.

The living room dining area becomes my downstairs office. I set up the laptop and spread out my cookbooks and entertaining journal and start cooking up ideas for parties and lunch.
From here I can avoid staring at whatever video game Matt's playing on the couch but keep an eye on him and the critters.
I can stare at the picture that's hanging on the wall and think of what I'd like to replace it with.
I can stare at the pretty dining area.
This is what life would be like if I stayed home full time. Whipping up fancy waters.
For about a month, and then I'd start resenting being home all the time and start drinking these kinda things but with hard liquor.
April 1st I start PM job #3. I'll be selling CROCS. Things have come full circle haven't they?

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