
Friday, April 29, 2011

living room in orange and teal

Next year we might be buying a house. Eeee for exciting. With the knowledge that home ownership is mother tucking expensive (mortgage, insurance, repairs) and the fact that I will be overcome with a desire to change everything with a new home, it is this little image I whipped up in no time at all that makes me feel safe:
I already own well, everything. The only thing I would have to buy will be the bookcase since the built ins at this house don't come with to the next one, maybe switch the side table that I have for a white one, maybe or maybe not add an orange rug, and obviously buy a gallon or so of paint. That's it. My fantasy future living room is almost identical to the one I have now only it's got a different paint color and a few more colors inspired by that print.

Which was what I was hoping for when I bought the pieces of furniture I bought. They stay, it's only accessories that change things up.

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