
Friday, April 29, 2011

the purge

The purge in my closet resulted in a realization that I own a lot more dresses than I thought. And these are the dresses I'm keeping. Off to the right you can see that indeed I hang everything, even t-shirts. The only things I don't hang are PJs and underwear.
Nothing has a memory wrapped up in it like a dress. Christmas party dress, dress for cousin's baptism, dress for sister in-law's bridalarette, Alma'x XV, the trip to Boston, summer BBQ party, our anniversary. This is probably why it's hard to part with dresses you don't use and why dresses I wore for Prom, two film fests, and my wedding sit in a closet awaiting dress up playtime with my four nieces. Wow I just got majorly nostalgic. I love being a girl.
It's gotta hit you, that desire to toss stuff. I know I wouldn't have put the stuff in the donation pile that I did if I wasn't very strictly in the mood to purge. When it hits you take advantage, grab the stuff into a pile, stick it in a box, and get it out of sight so you don't have a chance to pull something out of it. I have so many empty hangers to fill with better stuff now! That's the point right?
I am really procrastinating the spring cleaning business around my house. You'd think with a week off I'd have accomplished so much but you'd be wrong bob. I feel as if I've made more of a mess. I will dust something eventually... will it be today?

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