
Monday, May 9, 2011

Native Foods

As a change of pace, Matt heard of a restaurant we had to check out. It's called Native Foods, its in Costa Mesa, and the menu is all vegan. There's also locations in Palm Desert hinthint Michelle hinthint.

This woman must've been hired to do this chalkboard 'cause it was very detailed.

Kale is pretty much my favorite thing right now and whenever its on the menu you best believe I'm gonna order it.

What I love about it is that it will never get soggy not even at the end. It was delicious and so fresh. The soup was great too.

Matt had a burger without the bun on quinoa and sweet potato fries. He had it with tempeh which we've been adding to our vegan rotation.

Even the ketchup was earthy.

And my favorite part was the free refills on their signature drinks. It was here I realized that I always want flavored beverages whenever I have the chance. If I had to chose between desert or a flavored beverage... cheers!

My favorite one was the watermelon Fresca.

It was a great meal and do you know how nice it is to know I can eat everything on the menu and not worry about the ingredients? It's awesome.

- mobile blog post. spelling irrelevant.

1 comment:

  1. Can we go there together sometime? I'd love to try it!
