
Sunday, May 8, 2011

she peed on my bath mat

Well I don't know WTF is going on but my sister disappeared for a weekend and left her daughter with her dad, who left her with his mom, who called my mom who picked her up, who asked if I wanted to watch Angie on Mother's Day while she went to TJ with my step-dad. This poor kid. On Mother's Day she has to spend it with her Tia EvY. Thankfully for me she was on her best behavior and if any of you are acquainted with 15 month olds, that means that she didn't throw tantrums on me every 5 minutes.
Mom dropped her off at 8am and we played for a bit then went to Target to get some baby supplies and things I can spoil her with like a few new pants and shirts and toys. We got home and I tried unsuccessfully to get her to have some scrambled eggs. No dice. By then it was time to get ready to head over to Matt's side of the family and hang. I gave her a bath and learned that when you remove a diaper, even if you're removing it to go in the tub, don't let her hang out 'cause she will pee and she did. On my bath mat. I feel like it was a badge of honor of sorts. Kinda.

She fell asleep in the car on the way to Grandmas and slept for a glorious hour and a half. I've never had Angie nap with me for 1.5 hours. She was exhausted. When she woke up we let her hang for a bit and then she ate the pollo loco and mashed potatoes like a good girl. Then hung out and since she didn't know anyone, she clung to me like I was her mom. It was pretty cute actually. And a lot weird. Thankfully with all the moms there I felt safe and they loved having her around.
We got home and tried to restore a bit of the house to order. I did what any good person would do and put on The Backyardigans and OMG thank goodness for Netflix 'cause why would I own Backyardigan episodes? She was enthralled.
I made mac n cheese and she ate it. Woot.
I also bought a booster seat that has straps to tie her down. I'm so glad I didn't have to buy a high chair, that would really have cramped my style. Now when Claire comes for B&W Christmas '11 she'll have a seat. As will Savannah and Madison when they come to visit.
The most annoying part of the evening was how obnoxious Angie started acting when she got sleepy. OMG. I know she's trying to keep herself awake (I only know this because I've experienced this kind of behavior around Michelle's kids and she walked me through it) but I knew to just be patient. I didn't talk to her while she acted this way, just dimmed the lights, brought her a bottle, laid down her blankie and carried her 'til she got sleepy enough to be put down. I gave her a bottle, put the princess blanket on her, let the episode finish in the background (ha! the yeti was actually pablo pretending to be a yeti! those crazy backyardigans!) and sat next to her until I was positive she was asleep. This is the only reason I can be online right now: the kid's asleep! I better take advantage and clean up the house.
So now Angie's gonna spend the night since I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I'm getting the full on mom preview here and folks, it's freaking tiring. I am extra thankful for all the real moms out there today 'cause I can't believe you guys do this every single day and night.


  1. good job and i'm glad you bought the booster not a whole high chair... kids totally cramp one's style... but it's worth it. happy mother's day e.

  2. Yay for a day with Angie. =)By the way, I saw a happy mothers day from Cat card and thought about sending it to you- if it wasn't already mothers day. =)
