
Thursday, June 23, 2011

lemonade stand

As I wandered Target, supposedly to buy minty nail polish (tried it, not a fan) and lara bars I came across a lemonade stand sign which inspired the bar area for the summer.
I need to put it on a pole so you can see it better but how cute is that? You can add a price to it too and they sold cups, napkins, a tablecloth, and a money box if your kids are so inclined to start their own lemonade stand.
Now I've added "make fresh lemonade" to my list of things for my summer checklist. Isn't it a cute little vignette though? A lemonade stand bar area.
Oh and you knew it was only a matter of time before I did this so it should come as no surprise that I swapped the yellow chairs in the dining area with the ones in the living room.
I'd show you what the dining area looks like but it's piled with things I'm sorting with the great cupboard swap of 2011. It's epic. Prepare yourself.

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