
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

michelle's hot mom idea

Since it wasn't hot enough for me in LA (people, I grew up going to Mexicali) I headed to Indio to visit my perpetually pregnant pal Michelle. I wish her name was Penelope so I could have had four P words. And it was HOT. 114ยบ hot. She had this situation going on in the top shelf of her eldest daughter's closet:
Through the course of her pregnancy, Michelle will purchase a big box here and there of diapers in various sizes for the baby to be. Genius. Then the cost doesn't hit you all at once and you experience that moment of horror when you realize you are out of diapers and it's 2am.

Michelle will be having baby numero tres next week. Everyone pray that she gets her way and gets to name this girl whatever she wants. It's only fair.

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