
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ah yes, thanks for the reminder, west wing

Heh heh. God speaks in mysterious ways.

Do you know about the presidential turkey pardon? It's an annual tradition where the president of the United States pardons a turkey who is then sent to Disneyland or a petting zoo to live a peaceful uneaten life. I first learned about it from an episode of The West Wing and that was what I suggested Matt and I watch the night before Thanksgiving.

Well in that episode, there is a story of Chinese immigrants finding their way to America and claiming they are religiously persecuted and they wish to seek asylum in the U.S., which is a very tricky subject. So the president tests one of the immigrants with questions about his faith to prove he really is a Christian and not just being told to say that.

Boy does that guy pass the test with a great speech about Christianity and faith. The president then gets to proclaim a national day of thanksgiving: reminding little old me that what the holiday started as was a few peeps coming to America seeking freedom to worship God.

And that is definitely something to be thankful for.

- mobile blog post. spelling irrelevant.

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