
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

i don't really like thanksgiving anymore

Mom didn't let us celebrate any holidays. NONE. So I grew up with zero holidays until one magical time that she decided oh what the hey, let's do the least offensive one and celebrate the holiday where white people got free corn from Native Americans together as a family. So we did Thanksgiving and we would look forward to it. She had to ask my aunt Lina how to make a turkey 'cause she'd never made one before. My aunt Lina passed away when I was in 5th grade of cancer, so I kinda always think of her around Thanksgiving.

But of course, now that we're vegetarians, eating a meal that revolves around a turkey being killed and eaten, well, I guess it doesn't mean what it used to be. I'm down for the thankful part thing but I am grateful every damn day of my life for everything. I'm even grateful that I have to come back to work on Sunday because that means I get more income. So I'm thankful. I send thank you cards all the time. I send thank you texts. I send thank you emails. I got the thankful thing down I think, thanks.

Maybe it's not Thanksgiving's fault that I don't give a crap about it. There's only two holidays I care about and only one I ever do anything about. I care about Christmas and I care about New Year's Eve and I only do things on Christmas and get crazy into Christmas decorating, Christmas parties, and Christmas gifting. I don't care for July 4, Valentine's, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or St. Pattys. Maybe it's my mom's fault that I don't care, I'm not sure why. So then why oh why oh why am I going to my mom's for Thanksgiving breakfast, my aunt's for Matt's side of Thanksgiving, and my dad's for Thanksgiving after Matt's family's? I guess I should be thankful that many people want to see me on the same special day.

So my non-preachy advice: eat some damn veggies!

I love you all.

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