
Saturday, July 21, 2012

in the immortal words of mister burns

When viewing the latest batman movie only one quote came to mind: "I'm no art critic, but I know what I hate, and I don't hate this."

I am a fan of nerdy things but its good to realize who you really are in regards to movies and movie making.

I work in commercials. I studied film in college and have a degree in motion picture production but I would not really say I'm a filmmaker. I would say "I work in commercials." I'm not an artist or have any sort of secret untapped desire to tell stories through the medium of film. Oh I remember the wonder of being in college and dreaming of being able to go inside the industry and tell our stories and whatever and if we didn't have that insane passion and drive then I doubt I would have gotten where I am today without it. God did instill in me a sense of kick-assity so I did get all jobs since on smarts, hard work, computer skills, people skills, hilarity mayhaps, and the magic known as "experience" and it's those things that have kept me employed and not my "artistic" anything. 'Cause there ain't nothing arty about me and movies.

So I got no right to give you an opinion on a movie because I don't know what I'm talking about and I can't tell you about the lighting or editing or score or why the movie was good artistically speaking. I mean, I know how they made it more or less, but mostly it's made me a appreciative of the people who worked on it. If you watch a movie with me, you're sitting through all the closing credits.

I have to confess that I didn't even care to see this particular movie. The first trailer left me with zero interest and the bad guy didn't seem bad enough and no I didn't read any comics or scripts or making of or any of that giant spoiler garbage that goes into a movie becoming a movie. Can't a chick just go to the movies? All of a sudden everyone's an expert and how Bane did such and such in a comic book. I don't jiggity care. When it comes to my movie watching I want the piece to exist by itself and for me to enjoy it by itself because I dunno, its a movie! It should stand on its own!

So I went to this movie and the majority of movies like a member of the general public and not a filmmaker which I'm not. I went in with zero expectations, zero insider scoop, zero chip on my shoulder. I am your prime audience Chris Nolan, reel me in sucka. Wow me.

(Oh and the movie was great. Really knocked it out the park. Go see it.)

-iPad Blog Post

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