
Monday, July 23, 2012

Portland Day 5 & Colorado Day 1 & 2

So, where were we...

The last morning in Portland was spent checking out the gourmet grocery store in town which was Zupan's Markets. I'm not sure why but I consider grocery stores in towns other than my own to be tourist attractions. It must be the foodie in me.
Lots and lots of cheese.
I am often tempted by the natural body care aisle especially when they're selling earthy stuff that was locally made but I think I have enough lotion.
I went to Stumptown one more time and drank it on the train.
Coolest of cool things: my brother flew into Portland airport about an hour before we were supposed to be leaving on the same day. How crazy is that? So he and I conspired to meet up at the airport and surprise my dad. For awhile I thought we weren't gonna make it since we were running very late but luckily his ride was late so he dragged my dad to where the rail exit was and I rounded the corner and the look on my dad's face was so funny. He looks at me and I know he's thinking wait, that's a familiar face, wait, that doesn't make sense, there should be no familiar faces, holy crap, it's my daughter. He laughed so heartily and my bro and I exchanged high fives before we rushed to make our flight. It was already boarding when we got there and we cut it way too close. But it was kind of an adventure 'cause I've never done that for a flight, I'm usually crazy early. Oh well, adventure!
The plane ride into Denver was very turbulent so you can imagine how happy Matt was about that predicament. Trooper my Matt, trooper. But even I fessed up that flying into Denver sucks big time and I no likes. Last year when I was there. I had never feared for my life as badly as when we flew into thunder and lighting. I did enjoy the turbulence though because I was watching Super 8 and it added to the action feeling. Uncle Rog picked us up God bless 'im and informed us that up until just now as we arrived Colorado had been experiencing a drought but now we would be driving home and our stay would look like this:
It actually wasn't that bad though. The rain cooled things down and made for nice evenings at The Planks but we'll get to that in a moment. As we were flying to Colorado Matt & I had this feeling that we'd already pretty much vacationed and could very easily just head home. I mean, what are we gonna do in Colorado for 7 days? Are we gonna drive the Planks crazy? Well it's too late now we're on our way and actually the Colorado portion of the trip was full of more magic and happiness. First off after we arrived safely to Anna and Jay and Penny (the dog), Susie arrived shortly after and Susie again, bless her heart, made us dinner. Then we went to Oskar Blues to watch Jay perform with his jazz band. Man right away dinner and a show. Love you Longmont.
Jay would be leaving to Nashville to record his third jazz CD so we took advantage of his generosity and guess where we went.
I asked him to ceremoniously check my to do list.
I played my first for reals golf game. It was a great starter course for little old moi and I was hooked. Very fun. Especially having a pink ball.
That night we had dinner at Jay's place of employment Protos pizza. MMMMM mmm.
And went back home to cuddle on couches with the family and watch movies.
This pretty much established our daily Colorado pattern: activity, good meal (or three), and chillaxing.

Just what we needed after Portland.

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