
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Portland: Days 1 & 2

The first day in Portland wasn't much of a day it was an evening. We landed at PDX around 6 or so and bought Tri Met passes at the airport and took public transportation the entire trip except for a rental we borrowed to go somewhere kinda far and that was only for a few hours. Portland is a great town for bicycles, runners, and public transportation. You can get around all the important places easily and I had my trusty iPhone to tell us when the buses were due to arrive. This only helps if you plan on staying in Portland proper the whole time so leave the car at home and get on the bus. Oh and the rail too. I was amazed that we were able to take the train from the airport to within blocks of our hotel, pretty awesome. 
We got to the hotel, checked in, and went downstairs to have dinner. Then we walked over to Powell's to look around for a tick. You've all heard of Powell's right? It's a friggin' GIANT bookstore in fact, it is the largest independently owned one in the country and I could have done some serious damage if it wasn't for the fact that the only books I buy nowadays are heavy decorating and cooking books and I wasn't gonna lug them around.
Freaking thing had a MAP. A map!! 
The next day after coffee we walked over to the most recommended of all touristy stops across from this sign.

Voodoo Doughnuts. 
Which had an entire shelf of vegan donuts so we got 6 of them and sat on a bench next to it and popped open the pink box.
This one was huge.
Here Matt demonstrates its size.
I did not feel magical after these donuts. I felt like I'd had voodoo done on my stomach.
Next we took the bus and I surprised Matt with a trip to a vegan mini mall. Well, it's hardly a mini mall but let's pretend. It was four shops, all vegan. A bakery, a clothing store, a grocery store, and a tattoo parlor. Yes, regular tattoo ink is full of ground up critters.
We bought some shirts and a hoodie from this shop called Herbivore and I was curious as to what a vegan grocery store Food Fight looked like, for example, vegan dog food?
We got some lunch and ate it at this outdoor place where there was lots of peeps. I made some otter friends, picked up a rental car, and drove to Multnomah Falls.
Which looked like this. 
I got in my head to try to walk up to the overlook path and dang near killed Matt who did not quit and we made it up a very steep walk and 11 switchbacks.
It was pretty up there but mostly we were just psyched that fat people didn't beat us and the way down was full of so much happiness in our accomplishments.
We drove to McMenamins Edgefield and Kennedy School which I'll have to explain in another post because McMenamins just blew my mind and you'll like it too once I explain.
By this point I'm madly in love with Oregon and Portland and SPOILER ALERT: the feeling never goes away.

1 comment:

  1. the falls look exactly like they did when i was 8. i didn't make it to the top though... only half way.
