
Monday, July 16, 2012

put a skirt on it

Well I faced my fears and put a skirt on a table. Skirts on tables are not my favorite things in the world but after dusting the books here and realizing this entire room was made of furniture with legs legs legs I went for it and draped some cloth over the sofa table and I don't hate it. 
It feels really blogger-y this whole scene though. 
Especially since I decided to wash tape the lamp shade as well which is such a blogger thing. At least there's no birds on it.
A mirrored star on a books on a table next to a spindle lamp. Oh the originality. Not.
The books were chosen because one is hot pink and about music (thanks Miri) and the other is about black & white interiors next to black and white, almost 5 year old photos of ourselves.
I added smaller books to the other side based on color and as they're relevant to our interests.
Lyrics of our song. 
I'd been trying to place that shiny star since I moved it from the office. Glad it found a home.
Oh well, at least it's colorful and happy even if it is just like everybody else's house.

1 comment:

  1. I always forget about that book on The Clash and how it came into my possession, but you never cease to remind me. Thanks. :)
