
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The COVID-19 Diaries: The Kitchen is PAINTED

Greetings loved ones. Let's take a journey. When we first saw the house in April 2012 the kitchen looked like this:

When we saw it again in December 2012, the flippers had painted the cabinets white and replaced the countertop.

When we moved in all we did was install those floating shelves...

And buy this island to add more workspace which I use EVERY DAY.

In 2016 Matt replaced all the pulls with new black ones. 

 Small but big difference! 

And finally this year, we painted the walls gray and painted the backsplash white! 


I had considered before we painted the walls to just remove this tile but I felt like I had no idea what that would look like behind it, who knows how much wall it would pull down or damage so I was almost just going to leave it. I had been on Pinterest looking up I don't know what when the solution presented itself. Paint the tiles! Is such a thing possible?! Yes. Yes it is. If you have crappy tiles, you can just paint over them. Ours were the kind that had a sort of porous surface that was dull on top so all I did was ask the paint store guy what sort of primer they had that I could paint on tile. I wiped the crap out of the tiles with a hefty cleaner, did two coats of primer, then two coats of white paint. If you decide to do it, google painting backsplash for sure, people had good tips. HUGE difference.

This is the view from the living room, the last room to have this crappy beige on the walls. You can really see the difference. 

I'm coming for you crappy beige! Probably one wall at a time but I'm COMING FOR YOU. 

During the process of returning things back we reassessed what lives on the countertops and it feels so much more open and clear!

We even put away a stack of plates since honestly, we only use a max of 2 plates at a time anyway.

I put away as much as I could to keep this minimal to what I use every day. 

I dunno if I've ever shown this on the blog but a few years ago I bought this narrow shelf meant for bath toiletries and put matching containers on it and it's the pantry for sugars and such.

We are so glad to be done with this. It's such a fresh place now!

It only took 7 years and a global pandemic to make me do it.

I'll post about the master bedroom repaint soon!

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