
Friday, June 12, 2020

The COVID-19 Diaries: The Master Bedroom is PAINTED

The first time we saw the house in 2012, the following sign was on the door to the master bedroom. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK DANGER.
To say that we saw potential even when this was staring us in the face says a lot about Matt and my mental state. Optimistic or fools, who knows!
But what more did we need to know? It was literally the only house we looked at in Burbank that had a master suite with a bathroom and big closet.
When they flipped it and we went back to look at it, there was no hole in the ceiling and they installed carpet instead. Which we were cool with. 
As I'm writing this little retrospective, it's crazy to see how slowly this room has taken shape which has sort of been the case with a lot of rooms in the house. We could only buy a few things at a time and neither of us wanted to settle for temporary things in our bedroom and I'm so glad we never did. I had a design board from the beginning and we didn't waiver from the plan. 
Seeing these boxes always reminds me that I NEVER WANT TO MOVE EVER AGAIN.
We thought two of these was going to be enough, we were wrong and had to get one more. And to us, they were so expensive back then, $449.10 each. Know how much they are now? $599!
One thing we had been meaning to do was to anchor them to the walls which we FINALLY got to do in a task that I found almost more annoying than painting and moving the 800 books off and then putting them back. Wall anchors and I have a contentious relationship.
So this was the state of the room in 2013.
By 2014, fully pregnant with Alice, we had FINALLY bought a new California King Mattress and the Hoffman bed from Room & Board. 
By January 2015 we finally upgraded the nightstands.
We had by then also bought two Malm dressers to put in the closet which let us get rid of an old dresser and then keep this one to just Matt's stuff.
2020. And unlike the other rooms I did take some before pictures right before I started painting.
Oh yeah, pretty early on we replaced the ceiling light with a fan. A good good move.
2020 and finally finally finally the room has been painted.
Whenever we would talk about painting this room Matt and I would look at the bookshelves and shudder because we knew that would be a bitch. And know what, it was. I mean technically taking them all down and moving them to the other side of the room only took an hour max, it still felt annoying.
The whole room was a disaster for a few hours. But so so very worth it. 
Once we got to this amount of sliver left, I had Matt document the moment. 
And then I had the kids come "help" me roll a little bit. Wally had to be pried away crying.
Alice said this was more fun than playing with an iPad. 
And if we go back to this original plan, you can see we stuck to it pretty well.
We spent a few hours returning the books to the shelf. We made a game plan on a notebook and shuffling them around was tricky. In the end, it went like this... 
The paint honestly makes the room feel bigger. 
Ah... it's so nice in here now. Our special retreat from the world. 
The last room left to paint is the living room which I'll be tackling in spurts wall by wall at night when the kids go to bed because it's such an open area, we can't keep them away from it. I'll prep during the day then paint at night and it'll probably take a week to be honest. Very slow. But it'll be worth it!

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