Sunday, February 9, 2020

edland, 10 years later

I found this post from HOLY CRAP 10 years ago about purchasing this dresser that Ikea no longer makes and how I filled it with all the optimistic things it used to fill it with. I went back to that era and was re-reading a few things because I dunno, I'm not on instagram so I have to read something might as well be old blog posts and know what? I was a homebody then, I'm a homebody now.
Well I realized that I still had that dresser. It was our guest room dresser for a few months before it got upended to house diapers and onesies and underwear and tiny socks.
I bribed them with a marshmallow if they would sit still on it. An Ikea piece lasting 10 years, that's gotta be some kind of a record.

one thing at a time

We're in February 2020, days away from major holidays and birthdays so I will greet you all with a hello 2020 and a promise to blog soon. I been reading a lot of back issues of Domino Magazine and Blueprint and looking at old photos from our first apartment, the condo, and even the first few years in this house and I'm just trying to dust off the cobwebs in my design heart and brain. OR even easier than that, just taking some pictures of the place to document what the house looks like currently. So much is about the people living in it right now but this place is about our place to I'll give it my darndest because I love looking back at how far we've come and if that ain't it right now: 
how far we have come.
 And how much further we have to go.