Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kitchen of the Year: Where HerMAJESTY reigns (Part 1: Ina)

Ina, aka HERMAJESTY, had her beautiful barn kitchen duplicated and put on display at some museum. It's amazing to see it laid out so you can glimpse into why she sets things up the way she does and why it makes sense for working in her kingdom.

She's a casual simple lady full of joy.
And this is her glorious kitchen.
She has it laid out so you don't have to move around a lot in the kitchen to get from one station to the other, whatever makes her life easier. I mean, look at how close together the stove is from the sink.
She displays her pretty serving stuff and keeps stuff on hand that she needs.
Big jars with baking goods, a stand mixer, and a food processor are musts.
As well as a coffee maker, toaster, and juicer.
On her island she has two big wood cutting boards...
Fresh lemons and limes... olio santo olive oil in the background...
And two ceramic utensil holders (one for wood and one for metal)...
A big sink with no dividers...
drawers full of nice silverwear...
and kitchen towels...
and hidden wastebaskets.
She keeps her guests nearby with these stools...
And her boards at her feet.
Flowers make any setting look amazing.
And if you have a fireplace in your kitchen with two big cozy chairs, power to you... 

Part 2 will be grading my kitchen and how I attempted to copy her techniques.

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