Friday, May 7, 2010

bye bye liz

We knew it was coming but it's hard either way. Little sister Liz who's been living with us for the past few months, the one we've referred to as our "teenage daughter" has found a place to live and will be moving out May 15ish.

I am very very sad. I guess I had insane notions of my sister just staying here with her newborn baby and watching them both grow up. Also, visiting nieces would be so much more convenient if I just lived with them. But alas, little birds must fly. So she's flying flying flying and we're giving her the mattresses and bedding in the drum room for her new place. I think the poufy balls would be great for her to have for the baby's crib too. Of course Matt is concerned that I will feel the need to add something to this room now since the bed is gone. We'll see.
It's weird, having her come live with us was a very difficult decision to make and when I told Matt, who values his privacy, he said he too was saddened by the news that she was leaving.

I'm glad that I know that as adults, I was able to live with all my siblings and enjoy it immensely.

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